Why Artists Have Attitude.
Report by Yetunde Joyce – KabiesiRADIO, Dublin.
Hello amazing people, this is a special edition. You cannot live in this world without noticing that Music is everywhere. Also I am so excited these celebrities gave me their attention during their busy schedule.
I have
Wole Oni,
Kenny Kore,
Pastor Miracle and
Pastor Thywill share their views:
Please can you briefly introduce yourself?
Wole Oni is an accomplished record producer, multi award winning producer, song writer, synthesizer, arranger, sound engineer and CEO of Instinct Productions and Wole Oni Music Production(WOMP).
Why do some people think artists have an attitude?
Some of the artists give attitude because they don't want to be taken for granted if seen too simple and accessible. However, some do it intentionally because of lack of control of stardom while some were humble before the fame and it's a problem to manage that platform and still be humble. Some are naturally cocky and proud. While few who has seen it all are yet humble and extremely friendly.
Kindly give some words of encouragement to rising artists.
Every food and perfect gift comes from above. Upcoming artists and the yet arrived artists should use his or her talent to uplift mankind and turn their talents to medium of peace, happiness, joy and love. If your talent influences people negatively, then the essence of the giver has been defeated.
Don't despise the days of little beginnings, be a solution to a problem and don't be a problem to be solved.
Please can you briefly introduce yourself?
Hello Ms Joyce,
Thanks for your kind consideration in choosing me for the interview.
"Kenny Kore" is my stage moniker, while my birth name is Olumide Kehinde Akinbode.
I am a music minister,quite versatile in writing, producing and performing several musical genres.
My primary goal is to please GOD on and off stage. I believe that as a soul winner, my life is my message.
The name Kenny K'ore simply means "Kenny, Congratulations"! In essence, anytime the name is called, people are felicitating with me for God's goodness in my life over the years, at present, and for the future, if Jesus tarry. I was former of the multiple award winning gospel group Infinity, and have songs like Infinity's "Olorioko" and "Aye Ole" etc to my credit.
I've since my nine years exit from the group recorded a serial debut album titled," Eledumare", "Eledumare reloaded, and "Eledumare classic".
My Sophomore album was also a serial titled;"Noah", and "Noah relentless".
I am working on my third album to be out sometime before the year ends, GOD willing.
I am a husband and a father.
Why do some people think artists have an attitude?
I believe that artist are first human beings, and they are flawed in character like any other human being. However because they're in the limelight, their failures are projected more than others.
Bad news sells, so you're likely to hear more bad news about artist than good ones.
That's me playing the devil's advocate. I believe that the onus lies on public figures like known musical artists, especially gospel artists, to stand up to the challenge of their chosen professional, and be amiable role models, practising what they preach.
Kindly give some words of encouragement to rising artists.
My counsel to rising musical artist is to do it for the love.
Most often there would be challenges on the way.
The road to the top is not easy.
Money shouldn't be there objective even though money is vital.
Do it for the love of the art
Love of the people
Love of GOD. Shalom
Can you briefly introduce yourself?
My names are; OYENEYIN MIRACLE OLAMIDOTUN. I am a Nigerian based in Vienna Austria.
I am a musicologist by training and a minister by calling.
By God's grace a multi instrumentalist.
Why do some people think artists have an attitude?
There is no single answer to this question because there could be many reasons for this perception.
Not all artists have this problem, however it is safe to say many do.
The music industry is a lucrative one especially when an artist has gotten the breakthrough, hence fame and popularity can make an artist develop a wrong attitude .
Overconfidence in one's ability could also lead to this.
Over dependence on the talents of an artist is also a factor.
Kindly give some words of encouragement to rising artists
Stay Humble
Know that Real Talented people don't really blow their own Trumpets
Empty Barrels make the loudest of noise
keep working very hard and know that it's a privilege to be able to touch many people with your gift.
Please can you briefly introduce yourself?
I am a young man who grew in the city of Lagos. I was born to the family of Jonathan Bankole and Lydia Bankole. I am a servant leader serving as the General overseer of The message Assembly Inc. and was a parish Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God – Assembly of Praise, Swords, Ireland for over ten years. Presently the CEO of THYCONSULT an international consulting firm that runs training, seminars, conferences and professional and life coaching.
My vision is for an unprecedented revival and empowerment in the world. In pursuit of this, I give insightful teachings, and motivational speech at youth conferences, marriage seminar, and leadership and business trainings. My practical contribution to the community is the voluntary role I play as the chairman to a government run initiative in Ireland (Fingal Ethnic Network).
I am trained as an accountant, a graduate of National College of Ireland. also holds a postgraduate Diploma in Theology and counselling.
Why do some people think artists have an attitude?
What exactly is an attitude? A favourite way to proceed is to present first definitions of attitude.
An attitude is a relatively enduring organisation of beliefs around an object or situation predisposing one to respond in some preferential manner.
"So if somebody does not understand something about another person they say, 'You're weird, you're different. I can't like you because I don't understand you,'" This predispositions are momentary ones, in which cases they are not really ones attitude. What people don't understand they mystify.
I have always said never say you understand what I am going through because that can only be true until you are in my shoes. For Easy comprehension people box concept into things they know. This can be traced to the strong hunger people have for wanting to know about people, especially celebrities and artists. People judge people based on the state of their own mind. An angry person will not see good things in people, and they are easily put off.
You heard someone else's good news but quietly in your mind you wish it was you not the other person. What English word explains such feeling? Could this be jealousy or envy? If it is any of the two we are all guilty of this one time funny feeling that creeps out off its suppressed state. Reactions that follow such hidden true are usually very illusive and deceitful. So people unconsciously defer to pointing finger to the smallest iota of perceived wrong doings of other people.
Fame and success is one of the hardest things to deal with successfully. And the artists are not left out of this challenge.
Some artists do not differentiate between real life and their shows. I would not blame them because the audience never stop watching. They are as interested in their performance on stage as their marriage life, family life e.t.c.
Some artists calm to have taken their job so seriously that they take pride in keeping the acting and the artificial side effects on as long as it takes. Many of their friends can not relate with this. We could blame it on the fact that people change as their situation changes. "Is that always true?"
There is an unseen irony about forever been in the spotlight. Constant attention can be understandably frustrating and even upsetting at times. However, some celebrities handle publicity and lack of privacy with grace and respectful attitudes toward others. While some other celebrities have taken the opposite approach. These are the celebrities famous for poor attitudes, unfathomably obnoxious interviews, and irredeemable bad behaviour. Success is hard to handle for some artist especially when they don't get help. Some get caught up in having too much money and others get caught up in the stress and look for outlets.
The loneliness of an artist is a fact. This is another broad generalisation. But it is amazing how many people who seem to have it all, suffer from bouts of loneliness. As social beings, I believe people are especially sensitive to any threats to becoming ostracised. In Neanderthal times, exile meant death, so loneliness and the desire to be with other people is a strong one. It would amaze you what strange things people are willing and ready to do to fill the emptiness of their heart. I submit to you no one fills the human heart like Jesus.
Kindly give some words of encouragement to artists.
"So what do we do?"Get rid of the bad feelings. Be proud of how far God as taken you. Check out things done on your to-do list, finishing school, finishing a cd, or losing 15 pounds, you should always feel proud of your accomplishments! Self- esteem plays an important role in feeling encouraged. When you have really low self-esteem, it is much easier to be down-and-out.
Secondly do good deeds. Sometimes, when we help someone else, it makes us feel much better than if we spent an entire day at the studio! Helping other people can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from all negative thinking, thus encouraging you along the way! You may also help one person to understand you by showing an unconditional love. God bless you.
Thanks to all my Guests and I hope my Readers enjoyed all the special celebrities contribution.

Do look out for another edition.
Written and Reported by:
Yetunde Joyce
Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, extraction and re-posting of this post in it's entirely without approved permission is highly prohibited. Contact kabiesiradio@gmail.com
Why Artists Have Attitude. Report by Yetunde Joyce – KabiesiRADIO, Dublin. Hello amazing people, this is a special edition...